1 Habit for Women Action Takers: Life Changing Habits from the Happiest Achieving Women on the

1 Habit for Women Action Takers: Life Changing Habits from the Happiest Achieving Women on the

Matematika [tex]\displaystyle{\sf{\int\limits^2_1 {(4x+2)} \, dx = ...}}[/tex]

[tex]\displaystyle{\sf{\int\limits^2_1 {(4x+2)} \, dx = ...}}[/tex]

Integral tentu

Dengan Sifat :

[tex]\boxed{\rm{ \int\limits^b_a {f(x)} \ dx = f(b) - f(a) }}[/tex]


[tex]» \: \rm{ \int\limits^2_1 {(4x+2)} \ dx }[/tex]

[tex]» \: \rm{ ( \frac{4}{1 \: + \: 1} {x}^{1 \: + \: 1} + 2x)]^2_1 }[/tex]

[tex]» \: \rm{ ( \frac{4}{2} {x}^{2} + 2x)]^2_1 }[/tex]

[tex]» \: \rm{ (2 {x}^{2} + 2x)]^2_1 }[/tex]

[tex]» \: \rm{ (4{(2)}^{2} + 2(2)) - (4 {(1)}^{2} + 2(1)) }[/tex]

[tex]» \: \rm{ (4(2 \times 2)+ (2 \times 2)) - (4(1 \times 1) + (2 \times 1)) }[/tex]

[tex]» \: \rm{ (4(4) + 4) - (4(1) + 2) }[/tex]

[tex]» \: \rm{((4 \times 4) + 4) - ((4 \times 1) + 2) }[/tex]

[tex]» \: \rm{ (16 + 4) - (4 + 2) }[/tex]

[tex]» \: \rm{20 - 6}[/tex]

[tex]» \: \rm{ 14}[/tex]


[tex]\displaystyle{\sf{\int\limits^2_1 {(4x+2)} \, dx }} \\ = \displaystyle{\sf{\int{4x + 2 \: dx}}} \ \ = 2x {}^{2} + 2x \\ = (2x {}^{2} + 2x)^2_1 \\ = (2 \times 2 {}^{2} + 2 \times 2) - (2 \times 1 { }^{2} + 2) \\ = 8[/tex]
